Join the conversation with fellow culture change champions

Third Wednesday of each month throughout 2023 | Sydney



Join us for collaborative and immersive experiences focused on the unique facets of creating a stand-out company culture for your team and your business.


A think-tank style environment equips you with the tools to redefine and transform your own unique company culture, and create change-ready and change-resilient teams who thrive in your culture.




Our big idea

Life is too short to be spent working in environments which seem to drain the very life from you, instead of bringing out your best.

Irrespective of generation, once the hygiene factor of money is taken care of, we all want our work to be enjoyable, and for it to have purpose and meaning. Working with purpose isn’t just a “millennial thing”. And we want teams who get on with each other, and with the job.

So we explored what options there were for learning what other companies were doing around company culture.  Big conferences, podcasts, books – they all have their place.  But when you want to learn a foreign language, the secret is to immerse yourself, surrounding yourself with those who are already fluent, and others who are on the same journey as you, who understand where you are coming from, understand your struggles, and keep you taking action.

As Simon Sinek says, it’s not about intensity – how long you do something in one hit – but consistency – how regularly you do something. You don’t get strong after going to the gym once for 9 hours, you get strong after going for 20 minutes each day, month after month.

What really moves the needle is ongoing regular immersion and access to all the support you need.

Which is why we created our successful monthly #CULTUREBites sessions and our annual all-day #CULTURE Immersions, to regularly immerse people in all things company culture, curating conversations with business leaders who actually walk the talk and have made huge differences to their results through creating a business which is whole, consistent, and complete, with complementary management, operations, strategy, and culture.

What’s in it for you?

2 hour monthly* lunchtime immersions with collaborators and co-conspirators  

Belonging to #CULTUREBites gives you exclusive access to our curated bite-sized lunchtime company culture, disruptive leadership and workplace strategy masterclasses – think part mastermind think tank/part training session, where you get your voice heard.

It’s a rolling 12 month program, and each month you will be at the table lunching with a different leader, digesting a different topic, at a Sydney CBD location selected to enrich your experience.

Over two hours, you will get to mingle and munch, continuously immerse, improve and innovate, and be supported to rise to the challenges and optimise the opportunities that will develop you as a disruptive leader.  

Why immersions?

Small intimate gatherings where you ask the questions you want answered  

This is about you asking the questions you care about, and having conversations with leaders who are making a difference in their workplaces every day, not simply sitting and listening to a speaker.  You get to co-create the discussion.

As a Member, you’ll also have access to support and resources, all designed to help you grow your team, your leadership, your business skills and your network.

Whether you are a CEO, a business owner, an employee, team leader, middle manager or more, you have the ability to impact the culture of your team and your company – and your results. This is your opportunity to take time out, once a month, to focus on the strategy that will make a real difference to your results.

Immersive experiences

Deep connections

Resources & Tools

Healthy lunches

There are two ways to join us 

You can join us as a Member and reap the rewards straight away, or come along as a casual guest to see if this is for you. Remember, there are limited seats at the #CULTUREBites Table each month, and Members and their Guests always have priority.

Join us as a #CULTUREBites Casual

One-off investment

Reserve your seat online

Join us as a #CULTUREBites Member

Annual membership fee + monthly subscription

Limited Memberships available

#CULTUREBites order of play

What happens at a #CULTUREBites immersion?  Well, every month we have a different Conversation Leader, focusing on a different aspect of company culture, we lunch and then we immerse in the conversation.

12 noon

Lunch provided

Meet, mingle & munch with your Conversation Leader, fellow members, guests and culture change champions, and build your network 

12.30 pm
Get the conversation started 

With your Conversation Leader

Time to sit at the #CULTUREBites Table, and get ready for an in-depth conversation lead by the Conversation Leader, where you can conspire, collaborate and challenge each other to create even better places to work

1:50 pm
Key learnings & what’s next

With Julie Alexander

Closing thoughts, key learnings, and what’s on the menu for next month with a final opportunity to network with your fellow attendees.

2.00 PM
It’s a wrap

Time to head back to the office to share with your teams and plan the implementation of your key learnings 

Where it’s at

Our #CULTUREBites sessions are always held in enriching environments, in the Sydney CBD.  We mix it up each month, so you get to explore and experience the difference great workspaces can make to the employee experience.

** During the pandemic, we will meet virtually, online, each month  **






All of our sessions are at 12pm – 2pm on the 3rd Wednesday of each month (except December & January when we are planning some different fun instead), so you can mark each month in your diary now.


*22 Sept 2021 is  #CULTURE21 – our all-day in-person #CULTUREConnectives immersion (subject to Covid)

Who else is at the Table?

People from these great companies have been around the #CULTUREBites Table and immersed in inspiring conversations:

Who should be there?



Get the inside track on how to grow your business and keep your culture intact whilst you do so.



Culture is everyone’s responsibility, and in the middle it’s tough to manage up and manage down – tap into the resources around the room to level up your culture



If leading with purpose is important to you, this is your opportunity to step up and create a solid foundation for your future career as a disruptive leader



Move beyond tactics to enhance your employer brand, and infuse your culture into every element of your employee experience to stop the recruitment revolving door



Deliver your business outcomes with less “push” by reinvigorating, engaging and empowering your employees to take the lead and hit your targets



Get a fresh take on how to infuse your culture into every stage of the customer journey, and every interaction, enabling you to stand out from the crowd and grow your brand and sales

Join the #CULTUREBites Membership


Annual membership fee + monthly subscription*

Limited Memberships available


As a Member, your 12 month subscription means you receive preferential access to all the monthly Immersions, the opportunity to bring guests for half the usual investment, all the Conversation Leader materials, recordings, half price access to the annual all-day Immersion for you and a guest, resources … and more

* If you are a start up, NFP/charity or student, get in touch as we do offer lower membership investment opportunities from time to time.

10 x #CULTUREBites lunchtime immersions

  • 10 x 2 hour immersive group conversations with a handpicked Conversation Leader, and other successful industry leaders* (no #CULTUREBites in December or January)
  • Copies of materials shared by the Conversation Leader
  • Full session videos in case you miss a session or wish to revisit the conversation (where possible)

* Some of these sessions will be in-person in the Sydney CBD, whilst others will be held virtually on Zoom – to be advised at the time (Covid dependent)

For all in-person sessions, healthy lunch and refreshments provided

#CULTUREBites guests

Opportunity to enjoy 50% off and preferential access to individual #CULTUREBites sessions for your guests worth up to $60 a guest when in-person, $20 when virtual

#CULTURE21 Immersion

Our all-day #CULTUREConnectives Immersion – 50% off the usual investment and the ability to bring a colleague for half price too, worth up to $750

Our plan is for our #CULTUREConnectives to be in-person.  If we need to change to virtual, the #CULTUREConnectives Immersion may take place as multiple sessions in an all-day format or delivered over several days. The date is also subject to change.

F4S people analytics profile

Your own Fingerprint for Success (F4S) people analytics profile with complimentary debrief (the tool used by Canva for all their recruiting, individual and team development as well as culture mapping)

Inner Squircle

Access to the “Inner Squircle” private members-only area with resources & insights to support you and your team

  • Exclusive access to #CULTUREBites session presentations and materials
  • Session videos
  • Templates
  • Ebooks
  • Articles, blogs & videos

Culture Attunement

Generous discounts on Culture Incorporated programs and trainings

What’s in it for you?

Some of the things you’ll get from joining us for #CULTUREBites each month


Connect with successful leaders, collaborators and co-conspirators, mentors and mentees and have real conversations


Align with leaders, collaborators and co-conspirators who will support and celebrate your success, and help hold you accountable


Shortcut the learning curve on how to build a sustainable culture by asking the questions you need answered and enjoy your work more


Build your network with like-minded professionals across diverse businesses, those with aligned values, who put people before profit


Expand your thinking, your insights and develop your culture change muscles, and how to grow the next generation of leaders


Take time out of the whirlwind once a month for a mini off-site for you to refresh, realign and refocus – and get time to think … and breathe

A sneak peak

Highlights from our in-person sessions, to give you a feel

Our official supporters

Thanks for our Official Supporters for helping make the magic happen

THA Creative Agency provide us with all our incredible video content for #CULTUREBites from the highlights videos to the full session videos which Members can view to support their learnings. 

Fingerprint for Success (F4S) is a revolutionary People Analytics and AI Coaching platform helping organisations and individuals, empowering people to integrate wellbeing and performance, and enhance their company culture.

WORK180 is a global jobs network that operates at the forefront of a new workplace revolution. Their purpose is to empower every woman to choose a workplace where they can thrive


Get in touch

Want to know more about how we can help you expand your culture knowledge, shift your company culture, develop your people, set your team up for success, or grow as a leader?  Then get in touch today.

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